English Menu

Hors D’Oeuvres

Stuffed onion with pecorino, parsley and pine nuts with sauce of carrots to the Umeboshi vinegar
Salad of raw artichokes on hummus
Salad of puntarelle (roman salad: chicory tip) with a sauce of walnuts to balsamic vinegar and flakes of Vecchio Piave (cheese).
Salad of spinach, pears, walnuts and Brie de Meaux
Lukewarm salad of broadbeans, artichokes and peas, oil and ewe’s cheese
Quiche of leeks and almonds
Baked potatoes with aromatic herbs, fondue of Taleggio (cheese) and black truffle
Asparagus pudding with julienne of crisp leeks

Soups and Creams

Cream of chicory with “tortelli” filled of “passatelli” (breadcrumb, parmigiano cheese, eggs, peel of lemon)
Cream of pumpkin with rosemary small balls
Baked soup of onions of Cannara (zone of the Umbria)
with fontina (soft cheese from Aosta Valley, with
strong flavour and aroma)
First Courses / Pasta

Conchiglioni (pasta to shell shape) with spicy sicilian broccolis, black olives, capers, dried tomatoes and pine nuts.
Little potatoes dumplings and red beet,with a cream of cheese: ‘toma tre latti’ and Castelmagno with black truffle
Lasagna with red chicory and taleggio of Valsassina (kneaded soft cheese from lombardic zone)
Maccheroncini “al ferro” (home made macaronis) with ewe’s cheese and black truffle
Ravioli filled of chickpeas and walnuts dressed by parmigiano and rosemary sauce
Ravioli filled of potatoes cream, asparagus and gorgonzola dress with salad butter, chive and top of asparagus
Tonnarelli dressed by ewe’s cheese and cicory
Gnocchi di patate alla zucca gialla su crema di radicchio e sfoglie di parmigiano croccanti
Tortelli ripieni di crema di Parmigiano conditi con pesto di crescione topinambur croccante
Maccheroncini al ferro conditi con burro, tartufo bianco e Castelmagno d’alpeggio

Main Courses

Courgette flowers stuffed with Montagnard (cheese), olives, capers with gazpacho sauce
Mixed fried of vegetables
Grillade belgian endive with hot goat’s stracchino (very soft and fresh cheese)
Parmigiana of artichokes
Green polenta (dough of cornmeal and spinach) with fontina and a salad of cress, mushrooms and leeks to aioli sauce (garlic mayonnaise)
Vegetable balls to spicy coriander tomato sauce
Courgette flowers stuffed with potatoes and “pesto” (it’s a typical sauce of pounded basil, garlic, pine nuts, ewe’s cheese, parmigiano and oil) rolled in crisp spaghetti of rice and sauce with string beans and with mustard
Fried ravioli filled of endive, capers of Pantelleria, olives of Gaeta and pine nuts with a tomato and scallion sauce
Puff pastry stuffed with chicory, mushrooms and caciocavallo (kneaded-paste cheese from Southern Italy)
Cake of legumes with hot chicory

Various Cheese

Mixed dish of Italian cheese
Mixed dish of herb cheese
Mixed dish of French cheese

There is a reccomended wine or a spirit to match each dessert

Parfait of marsala zabaglione Vecchio Samperi 20 years,croccantino of pine nuts and Caramel sauce with pine nuts.
Marsala “Vecchio Samperi” De Batoli

Dark chocolate cake Domori With bitter orange sauce.
Montefalco Passito Favaroni

Cassata ice cream with warm dark chocolate sauce
Passito di Pantelleria” Ben Ryè” ’04 Donnafugata

Apple Cinammom Puff Pastry with Calvados plum sauce (wait 40 minutes)
Calvados 3 anni

Pear coocked with caramel sauce at rosemary, with little semifreddo, honey and orange peel
Merlino Red Wine Fortificato Pojer&Sandri

Semifreddo with almonds from Noto Valley and pistachio semifreddo
on top of a basis of sponge cake, with caramel sauce mandarin honey
Zibibbo Liquoroso Alagna

Catalan Cream with pineapple
Sauignon passito Saphir ’03 Laimburg

Semifreddo with candy counter with vin brulè sauce
Moscato Passito al Governo di Saracena Feudo dei Sanseverino

Cantucci toscani
Vin Santo

Coteaux du Layon Beaulieu ’03 Chateau Pierre Bisè



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